We open the call to register and contribute talks/posters at the workshop
“In search of model structures for non-equilibrium systems”,
which will take place at the University of Münster, April 2023 – 28. April 2023.
Details: https://uni-muenster.de/MathematicsMuenster/go/non-equilibrium-systems
Please register using the link (the deadline for participation is March 27):
In case you would like to contribute a talk or poster, please select “contribute poster” and provide a title and (optional) abstract in the comments (deadline Jan 23rd).
For active participants (contributed talk or poster), some funding is available to cover accommodation and in a few cases to contribute to travel costs. Please indicate in the comments, if you need financial support.
The workshop is cooperatively organized by Mathematics Münster and the interdisciplinary Center for Nonlinear Science (CeNoS). It continues the series “Windows to Complexity” and connects it with the scientific aim of the cluster of excellence “Structure-Geometry-Dynamics”.

The workshop focuses on the derivation and discovery of variational principles for non-equilibrium systems, particularly in those connecting model structures on different lengths and time scales via microscopic derivations, such as hydrodynamic limits. We aim to bring together researchers from Physics and Mathematics to report on recent progress in meeting this challenge, and foster discussions that can potentially lead to breakthroughs within the field.