- 09/2025 Organizer Workshop: Networked MathFlows, Będlewo, Poland
- 09/2025 Minisymposium: Analytical Aspects of Graph-Based Machine Learning, ENUMATH 2025, Heidelberg
- 07/2025 Workshop on New Perspectives in Nonlocal and Nonlinear PDEs, Anacapri
- 05/2025 Organizer Workshop: Conservation laws and non-reciprocity, Münster
- 04/2025 Workshop: EYAWKADANAJKOS, Lyons
- 04/2025 Workshop: Fluctuating hydrodynamics, Raitenhaslach
- 02/2025 Berliner Oberseminar Nichtlineare partielle Differentialgleichungen, Langenbach Seminar, WIAS, Berlin
- 11/2024 Workshop: Finite volumes and Optimal Transport, Paris
- 10/2024 Mathematisches Kolloquium, Augsburg
- 09/2024 Organizer Workshop: Gradient flows face-to-face^4, München
- 06/2024 Conference: Gradient Flows, Large Deviation Theory, and Macroscopic Fluctuation Theory, Bielefeld
- 05/2024 Seminar: Probability in Mathematical Physics, IST Lisbon
- 04/2024 CIRM Conference: Aggregation-Diffusion Equations & Collective Behavior: Analysis, Numerics and Applications, Marseille
- 02/2024 Conference: Applications of Optimal Transportation, MFO
- 01/2024 Organizer CIRM Conference: PDE & Probability in interaction: functional inequalities, optimal transport and particle systems, Marseille
- 12/2023 Conference: Variational Methods for Evolution, MFO
- 11/2023 Workshop on Cell Dynamics and Mathematical Modeling, Münster
- 11/2023 Purdue PDE Seminar, online
- 10/2023 Workshop: Variational and Geometric Structures for Evolution, Levico
- 09/2023 Workshop: Gradient flows face-to-face^3, Lyons
- 08/2023 Organizer: Workshop on Stability, Mixing and Fluid Dynamics, Münster
- 08/2023 ICIAM 2023, online
- 07/2023 Workshop: Mean field limits for interacting particle systems: uniform propagation of chaos, phase transitions and applications, London
- 04/2023 Organizer Workshop: In search of model structures for non-equilibrium systems, Münster.
- 11/2022 Workshop Discrete Systems and Calculus of Variations, TU München
- 09/2022 Organizer: Open Japanese-German conference on stochastic analysis and applications, Münster.
- 09/2022 Workshop: Gradient flows face-to-face^2, L’Aquila.
- 09/2022 Workshop: Nonlinear evolutionary equations and applications, Chemnitz.
- 08/2022 92nd Annual Meeting GAMM e.V.: Talk in Minisymposium: Evolution Equations with Gradient Flow Structure, Aachen
- 05/2022 Workshop: Metastability, mean-field particle systems and non linear processes, Saint-Etienne.
- 03/2022 BIRS Workshop Stochastic Mass Transports: Covariance-modulated optimal transport and gradient flows, online.
- 03/2022 SIAM PD22: Talk in Minisymposium Recent Advances in Cross-Diffusion and Population Models: Phase separation in a growth model, online.
- 03/2022 SIAM PD22: Talk in Minisymposium The Geometry of PDEs on Graphs: Analysis and Applications: Tilting of Gradient Systems on Graphs, online.
- 12/2021 Analysis Oberseminar, TU Dresden, online
- 11/2021 Langenbach-Seminar, WIAS Berlin, online
- 09/2021 Co-Organizer Workshop: Gradient flows face-to-face, Rome.
- 05/2021 CeNoS-Kolloquium: Dynamic behavior of growth processes: Phase separation, self-similarity, and oscillations, Münster
- 05/2021 Minisymposium: Coagulation-fragmentation: modelling & mathematical theory”, SIAM MS2021, online (Bibao)
- 03/2021 Talk at CNA Seminar: Phase separation and oscillations in cluster growth models, Video, CMU
- 02/2021 Workshop: Applications of Optimal Transportation in the Natural Sciences, online (MFO)
Talk: Phase transitions and a mountain pass theorem in the space of probability measures
- 11/2019 Oberseminar: “Stochastic processes and applications in biology”, TU Berlin
- 11/2019 Analysis-Stochastic-Seminar, TU Dresden
- 09/2019 Japanese-German Open Conference on Stochastic Analysis 2019, Fukuoka
- 07/2019 ICIAM Valencia. Meanfield limits on graphs and the upwind transportation metric in Minisymposyium on Interacting particle systems: Mean-field limits and applications to machine learning
- 06/2019 Material theories, statistical mechanics, and geometric analysis: A conference in honor of Stephan Luckhaus’ 66th birthday, MIS Leipzig.
- 04/2019 Working group “Cross-diffusion systems, gradient flows, and their perturbations“, Gran Sasso Science Institute, L’Aquila.
- 12/2017 Seminar talk, ERC MsMath, CERMICS, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, Paris
- 12/2017 Seminar talk, RWTH Aachen
- 11/2017 Seminar talk, Imperial College London
- 10/2017 Real Analysis seminar, Toulouse
- 07/2017 Applied PDEs Seminar, Imperial College London (talk)
- 04/2017 Oberseminar Analysis-Probability, Leipzig (talk)
- 04/2017 Aachen-Augsburg-Applied-Analysis meeting, Aachen (talk)
- 03/2017 88th GAMM Annual Meeting, Weimar (talk)
- 01/2017 Seminar talk, University of Granada (talk)
- 10/2016 Seminar talk, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (talk)
- 09/2016 4th Workshop of the GAMM Activity Group on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations, TU Dortmund (talk)
- 03/2016 YEP XIII: Large Deviations for Interacting Particle Systems and Partial Differential Equations, TU Eindhoven (talk)
- 03/2016 German Probability and Statistics Days, University of Bochum (talk)
- 01/2016 Seminar Materialmodellierung , WIAS Berlin
Talk: “Macroscopic limits of the Becker-Döring equation via gradient structures”
- 12/2013 Workshop Material Theories, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach
- 10/2013 Energy/Entropy-Driven Systems and Applications, at Weierstrass Institute, Berlin, slides, abstract
- 06/2013 Emerging structures in Analysis and Probability: A conference in
honor of Stephan Luckhaus’ 60th birthday, University of Leipzig, Leipzig - 04/2013 Perspectives in Analysis and Probability – Opening Conference, Lebesgue Center of Mathematics, Rennes, France, slides
- 03/2013 5th Spring School on Evolution Equations, TU Berlin, slides
- 11/2012 Bielefeld Stochastics Afternoon (CRC), University of Bielefeld, slides
- 10/2012 Oberseminar Analysis, University of Bonn, slides
- 10/2012 Fifth Workshop on Random Dynamical Systems, University of Bielefeld, slides
- 09/2012 Variational Models and Methods for Evolution, Levico Terme, Italy, poster
- 09/2012 EPSRC Symposium Workshop – At the Frontier of Analysis and Probability at University of Warwick
- 07/2012 Mathematics of Many-Particle systems, Conference in Honor of Elliott Lieb on the Occasion of his 80th Birthday at TU Berlin
- 06-07/2012 Trimester Program: Mathematical challenges of materials science and condensed matter physics: From quantum mechanics through statistical mechanics to nonlinear pde, Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics, Bonn
- 05/2012 EPSRC Symposium Workshop – Large Scale Behaviour of Random Spatial Models at University of Warwick
- 03/2012 10th German Probability and Statistics Days “Stochastik-Tage Mainz”
- 02/2012 From particle systems to differential equations at Weierstrass Institute, Berlin